Trends in pronunciation teaching

Milí členové TEFL Clubu,

srdečně Vás zveme na workshop doc. Radka Skarnitzla s názvem „Trends in pronunciation teaching“ v pondělí 8. listopadu od 18:00 do 20:00.
Sejdeme se již klasicky na Zoomu.


A abyste věděli, na co se můžete těšit, zde krátká anotace:


The talk will introduce current trends in teaching English pronunciation. Starting with the recent reassessment of the aims of pronunciation teaching, emphasizing intelligibility at the expense of accentedness, we will highlight the importance of prosody (stress, rhythm, and melodic patterning) for communication in L2 English. Segmental features will be covered as well, including recommendations for the use of transcription. Special attention will be dedicated to integrating pronunciation work into English lessons, since that is, I believe, the main reason why pronunciation tends to be ignored. Finally, I will briefly mention the potentials of technology in pronunciation teaching.


Budeme se moc těšit na viděnou!


Váš TEFL Club



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